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!@@.fade;注意 NOTICE@@
<<timed 2s>>@@.fade;你即將會進入到零空的實例,到現實之間的閾限次元。
You are about to enter an instance of nullspace, a liminal dimension between realities.@@
<<next 5s>><<type 50ms>>此間零空 3416 號是由於幽靈島拘押中心的倒敗而造成的。<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<type 50ms>>The following nullspace, #3416, was created by the collapse of the Phantom Island Detention Center.<</type>>
<<next 8s>><<type 50ms>>身為幽影,我們堅持要冤纏每一時空,直到每一法西斯現實的倒敗。<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<type 50ms>>As phantom shades, we insist on haunting every time and space until the collapse of every fascist reality.<</type>>
<<next 10s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|營火 THE CAMPFIRE]]@@
Press spacebar to skip typing.@@//
目前在 NOW AT:
<<print passage()>>
<<if $yourDN neq 0>>總骰數 DICE NUMBER: $yourDN<</if>>
<<if $yourWay eq 1>>判斷法 WAY: 陰 YIN<</if>>
<<if $yourWay eq 2>>判斷法 WAY: 陽 YANG<</if>>
<<if $yourWay eq 3>>判斷法 WAY: 太 TAI <</if>>
<<if $SCR neq 0>>必勝數 SCR: $SCR<</if>>
@@<<timed 2s>>
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;From the dense fog you emerge with nothing.@@
<<set _will to rollDice(1,6)>>
<<if _will lte 5>>
<<timed 10s>>@@.fade;溫暖明亮的營火,在無限的夜晚中不停地閃爍。@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;The campfire, warm and blazing, flickers without pause in the endless night.@@<</timed>>
<<timed 14s>><<type 30ms>>一位坐穩在刀把頭上的天妖向你微笑著,問你想不想來玩一個遊戲。<</type>><<next 2s>><<type 30ms>>A skyfiend sitting poised atop a dao's pommel smiles at you, asking if you'd like to play a game.<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<link "(是 YES)" "遊戲準備 GAME SETUP: 威力 POWER">><<set $will to true>><<set $campfire to true>><</link>>
[[(否 NO)|營火 THE CAMPFIRE...]]<</timed>>
<<timed 8s>>@@.fade;溫暖明亮的營火,在無限的夜晚中不停地閃爍。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;The campfire, warm and blazing, flickers without pause in the endless night.@@
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;[[(離開 LEAVE)|離開 LEAVE]]@@<</timed><</if>>
<<set $yourDN to 0>>
<<set $yourWay to 0>>
<<set $SCR to 0>>
<<set $yourRolls to [3, 3, 3]>>
<<set $theirRolls to [3, 3, 3]>>
<<set $turnsLeft to 6>>
<<set $yourProtected to [false, false, false, false, false]>>
<<set $theirProtected to [false, false, false, false, false]>>
<<set $yourLastRolls to $yourRolls>>
<<set $theirLastRolls to $theirRolls>>
/* Will's Stories */
<<set $aboutDS to ["「這遊戲叫《決鬥》。」 \"This game is called DECISIVE STRUGGLE.\"",
"「它就只有戰鬥的規則。」 \"It only has rules for combat.\"",
"「它的勝者便決定剩下的命運。」 \"Its victors decide the fates of the rest.\"",
"「在沒故事規則的系統之下,還能說出故事嗎?」 \"Can you still tell a story in a system with no rules for story?\"",
"「在目的在於消滅你的的系統之下,還能說出你的故事嗎?」 \"Can you still tell your story in a system designed to destroy you?\""]>>
<<set $aboutAP to ["「遊戲就像監獄一樣。」 \"A game is like a prison.\"",
"「它試圖通過設計來規訓你。」 \"It tries to discipline you by design.\"",
"「因此遊玩就是遊戲的逃逸線,而玩家是那道的追蹤者。」 \"Thus play is a line of flight from the game, and the player the pursuer of that path.\"",
"「要逃逸順利,完全改變設計的一切但同時避免建造新需要逃逸的系統...」 \"To escape successfully, completely transforming the entire design without also constructing a new system that requires escape...\"",
"「...那就是解性遊客的夢想。」 \"...that is the dream of the agonists.\"",
"「解性遊就是試圖逃逸逃逸的玩法,試圖結束遊戲存在的最終道。」 \"Agonist play is play that seeks to escape escaping, the terminal path of play that seeks to end the existence of games.\"",
"「解性遊更挑釁的定義就是試圖徹底革命的遊玩。」 \"The more provocative definition of agonist play is play that seeks total revolution.\"",
"「解性遊的最終階段就是退出遊戲來實現玩到底的結果。」 \"The ultimate stage of agonist play is quitting the game to realize that play\'s completion.\"",
"「二次元只不過是能讓我們想像如何完全控制現實改變的遊樂場。」 \"The fictional world is but a playground where we can imagine total control over our realities changing.\"",
"「現實世界的天際才是革命的最真底線。」 \"The horizon of the real world is actually the truest baseline where revolution must begin.\""]>>
<<set $aboutWhyWrite to ["「我是個無治主義者,表示我喜歡利用類比來思考。」 \"I\'m an anarchist, which means I like to think in terms of analogies.\"",
"「說遊戲圈子中沒有解性遊者,就像是說你的城市中沒有無治主義者。」 \"Saying there are no agonists in the games scene is like saying there are no anarchists in your city.\"",
"「也就是說,被寫不表示會被讀。被讀不表示會被懂。」 \"Which is to say, to have been written does not mean to have been read. To have been read does not mean to have been understood.\"",
"「我只是太驕傲,拒絕不寫而讓我的敵人填空。」 \"I am simply too proud to write nothing, and let my enemies fill in the blanks.\""]>>
<<set $willStories to [$aboutDS, $aboutAP, $aboutWhyWrite]>>
<<type 30ms>>「太可惜了。」<</type>><<type 30ms>>"What a shame."<</type>>
<<timed 6s>>@@.fade;溫暖明亮的營火,在無限的夜晚中不停地閃爍。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;The campfire, warm and blazing, flickers without pause in the endless night.@@
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;[[(離開 LEAVE)|離開 LEAVE]]@@
<</timed>><<set _jen to rollDice(1,6)>>
<<if _jen lte 6>>
<<timed 8s>>@@.fade;你回到濃霧,在白玄中消失。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;You return to the dense fog, disappearing into THE WHITEDARK.@@
<<next 6s>><<type 90ms>>@@.fade;片刻之後,明確的聲音穿透死寂。@@<</type>><<type 90ms>>@@.fade;Moments later, a clear voice cuts through the deathly silence.@@<</type>>
<<next 10s>><<type 30ms>>「喔。是你。又回來啦。」<</type>><<type 30ms>>"Oh. It's you. You're back again."<</type>>
<<timed 8s>>@@.fade;你回到濃霧,在白玄中消失。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;You return to the dense fog, disappearing into THE WHITEDARK.@@<</timed>>
<</if>><<type 30ms>>選擇你的骰數。 Pick your number of dice.<</type>>
<<timed 1s>><label><<radiobutton "$yourDN" 1>> @@.fade;1@@</label>
<<next 0.5s>> <label><<radiobutton "$yourDN" 2>> @@.fade;2@@</label>
<<next 0.5s>> <label><<radiobutton "$yourDN" 3 checked>> @@.fade;3@@</label>
<<next 0.5s>> <label><<radiobutton "$yourDN" 4>> @@.fade;4@@</label>
<<next 0.5s>> <label><<radiobutton "$yourDN" 5>> @@.fade;5@@</label>
<<next 1s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|遊戲準備 GAME SETUP: 性質 NATURE]]@@
<</timed>><<type 30ms>>選擇你勝利判斷法。 Pick your way of determining success.<</type>>
<<timed 1s>><label><<radiobutton "$yourWay" 1>> @@.fade;陰 YIN (擲的骰數小於等於總骰數 ROLL LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO NUMBER OF DICE)@@</label>
<<next 0.5s>> <label><<radiobutton "$yourWay" 2>> @@.fade;陽 YANG (擲的骰數大於等於總骰數 ROLL GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO NUMBER OF DICE)@@</label>
<<next 0.5s>> <label><<radiobutton "$yourWay" 3 checked>> @@.fade;太 TAI (擲的骰數要跟必勝數等於,把擲到的骰數當成你的勝數或敗數 ROLL EQUAL TO SUCCESS COUNT REQUIRED, CHANGING YOUR SUCCESS OR FAILURE COUNT TO WHAT YOU ROLLED)@@</label>
<<next 1s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|開局 OPENING]]@@
/* Get DICE NUMBER for opponent */
/* This is conditional based on who your opponent is */
/* Will is willing to have fewer, but not more than your dice */
<<if $will eq true>><<set $theirDN to rollDice(1, $yourDN)>><</if>>
/* Get WAY of opponent based on who opponent is */
/* Will will do whatever is your opposite, and match if you tai. */
<<if $will eq true>>
<<if $yourWay eq 1>><<set $theirWay to 2>><</if>>
<<if $yourWay eq 2>><<set $theirWay to 1>><</if>>
<<if $yourWay eq 3>><<set $theirWay to 3>><</if>>
/* Get both players' rolls (the set of dice values you'll be starting with) */
<<set $yourRolls to rollDice($yourDN, 6)>>
<<set $theirRolls to rollDice($theirDN, 6)>>
/* (These regard what players will explicitly see) */
/* SCR = Success Count Required */
/* It's the difference between your dice levels, unless the difference is 0, in which case, SCR = 1 */
<<if $theirDN neq $yourDN>><<set $SCR to Math.abs($theirDN - $yourDN)>>
<<else>><<set $SCR to 1>><</if>>
/* turnsLeft = how many turns you have to win the game */
/* It's the sum of everyone's power (dice number) */
<<set $turnsLeft to $yourDN + $theirDN>>
/* yourSuccesses and theirSuccesses are variables that track the current number of successes combatants have using my JavaScript function getSuccesses. See JavaScript for more information on how that works. */
<<set $yourSuccesses to getSuccesses($yourRolls, $yourWay)>>
<<set $theirSuccesses to getSuccesses($theirRolls, $theirWay)>>
/* These two lines repeat on the 決鬥 pages in order to gather the most updated success counts at the end of every turn */
/* (These regard what players won't explicitly see) */
/* The following variables get referenced in 堅 but are initiated within the move itself. These comments are just informational. */
/* protected stores value of the last protected die */
/* There's no need to have separate arrays for separated protecteds because you can only have one die protected at once */
/* whoseProtected stores whose array the last protected die was drawn from so we can return it to its proper owner */
/* 1 = yours, 2 = theirs */
/* gameOver is a flag that tracks whether there are any turns left */
/* false = not over, true = over, so we start the game at false */
<<set $gameOver to false>>
/* yourOriginals and theirOriginals remember the dice states at the beginning of the game for 歉 */
<<set $yourOriginals to $yourRolls>>
<<set $theirOriginals to $theirRolls>>
<<type 30ms>>你擲到的骰是 Your rolled: $yourRolls<</type>><<type 30ms>>你的必勝數是 Your success count required (SCR) is: $SCR<</type>>
<<if $will eq true>>
<<type 30ms>>微笑劍客擲到的骰是 The Smiling Swordsman rolled: $theirRolls<</type>>
<<if $theirWay eq 1>><<type 30ms>>㐌的判斷法是 His WAY is: 陰 YIN<</type>><</if>>
<<if $theirWay eq 2>><<type 30ms>>㐌的判斷法是 His WAY is: 陽 YANG<</type>><</if>>
<<if $theirWay eq 3>><<type 30ms>>㐌的判斷法是 His WAY is: 太 TAI <</type>><</if>>
<<timed 5s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|決鬥 DECISIVE STRUGGLE]]@@<</timed>>/* First check if the game is over. */
<<nobr>><<if $turnsLeft eq 0 or ($yourRolls.length eq 0 and $theirRolls.length eq 0)>><<set $gameOver to true>><</if>><</nobr>>
/* If game is over, transition to ending game. */
<<if $gameOver eq true>><<nobr>>
<<if $will eq true>>
<<type 30ms>>啊,遊戲結束了。 Ah, looks like the game is over.<</type>>
@@.fade;[[結局 GAME CLOSING]]@@<</nobr>>
<<type 30ms>>目標是在遊戲結束之前達到必勝數。<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>The goal is to reach the success count required before the game ends.<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>每一回合必用一招來改變遊戲中骰子的狀況。<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>Each turn one move must be used to change the status of dice in the game.<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>你目前的骰是 Your current dice are: $yourRolls<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>你目前的勝骰是 Your current successes are: $yourSuccesses<</type>>
<<if $yourSuccesses.length == 0>> //for no successes
<<type 30ms>>你目前的勝數是 Your current success count (SC) is: 0<</type>>
<<elseif $yourWay == 3>> //for tai's special rules
<<type 30ms>>你目前的勝數是 Your current success count (SC) is: $yourSuccesses[0]<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>你目前的勝數是 Your current success count (SC) is: $yourSuccesses.length<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>剩下的回合數是 The number of turns left is: $turnsLeft<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>要使用什麼招? What move will you make?<</type>>
[[霸 FORCE (奪取一骰 SEIZE A DIE)|霸 FORCE]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<nobr>>
/* First check if the game is over. */
<<if $turnsLeft eq 0 or ($yourRolls.length eq 0 and $theirRolls.length eq 0)>><<set $gameOver to true>><</if>>
/* If game is over, transition to ending game. */
<<if $gameOver eq true>>
<<if $will eq true>>
<<type 30ms>>啊,遊戲結束了。 Ah, looks like the game is over.<</type>>
@@.fade;[[結局 GAME CLOSING]]@@
<<else>> /* If the game isn't over, opponent makes their move. Each opponent has a different moveset. */
/* Will: Plays your agonist parallel. */
<<if $will eq true>>
<<if $yourTurn lte 3>> /* If you chose Heroic (first 3 moves) */
/* Will chooses random Villainous */
<<set $theirTurn to random(4, 6)>>
/* 如果你有骰 */
<<if $yourRolls.length neq 0>>
/* 㐌歉你 */
<<if $theirTurn eq 4>>
<<set $target to random(0, $yourRolls.length - 1)>>
<<set $yourRolls[$target] to $yourOriginals[$target]>>
/* 㐌霸你 */
<<elseif $theirTurn eq 5>>
<<set $target to random(0, $yourRolls.length - 1)>>
<<set $seized to $yourRolls[$target]>> <<run $theirRolls.push($seized)>>
<<run $yourRolls.deleteAt($target)>>
/* 㐌血你 */
<<elseif $theirTurn eq 6>>
<<set $target to random(0, $yourRolls.length - 1)>>
<<run $yourRolls.deleteAt($target)>>
/* 㐌歉自己 */
<<set $target to random(0, $theirRolls.length - 1)>>
<<set $theirRolls[$target] to $theirOriginals[$target]>>
<<else>> /* If you chose Villainous (last 3 moves) */
/* Will chooses random Heroic */
<<set $theirTurn to random(1, 3)>>
/* 㐌堅你 */
<<if $theirTurn eq 1>>
/* Get target before removing effects of player's protected */
<<set $target to random(0, $yourRolls.length - 1)>>
/* Remove player's protected if necessary */
/* You don't have to worry about the array length changing because push sends the newest value to the end of the array and the range you used for getting the target excludes the new value anyway */
<<if $whoseProtected eq 1>>
<<run $yourRolls.push($protected)>>
<<elseif $whoseProtected eq 2>>
<<run $theirRolls.push($protected)>>
<<set $protected to $yourRolls[$target]>>
<<set $whoseProtected to 1>>
<<run $yourRolls.deleteAt($target)>>
/* 㐌勇你 */
<<elseif $theirTurn eq 2>>
<<set $target to random(0, $yourRolls.length - 1)>>
<<set $yourRolls[$target] to rollDice(1, 6)>>
<<set $array to [1, 6, 7]>>
<<run $array.push(8)>>
$arrayDouble-click this passage to edit it.<<type 30ms>>指定要保護的骰。 Target a die to protect.<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>@@font-size:26px;''你的骰 YOUR DICE''@@<</type>>
<<if def $yourRolls[0]>><<link "$yourRolls[0]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $yourRolls[0]>><<set $whoseProtected to 1>><<run $yourRolls.deleteAt(0)>><</if>>
<<if def $yourRolls[1]>><<link "$yourRolls[1]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $yourRolls[1]>><<set $whoseProtected to 1>><<run $yourRolls.deleteAt(1)>><</if>>
<<if def $yourRolls[2]>><<link "$yourRolls[2]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $yourRolls[2]>><<set $whoseProtected to 1>><<run $yourRolls.deleteAt(2)>><</if>>
<<if def $yourRolls[3]>><<link "$yourRolls[3]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $yourRolls[3]>><<set $whoseProtected to 1>><<run $yourRolls.deleteAt(3)>><</if>>
<<if def $yourRolls[4]>><<link "$yourRolls[4]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $yourRolls[4]>><<set $whoseProtected to 1>><<run $yourRolls.deleteAt(4)>><</if>>
<<type 30ms>>@@font-size:26px;''對方的骰 THEIR DICE''@@<</type>>
<<if def $theirRolls[0]>><<link "$theirRolls[0]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $theirRolls[0]>><<set $whoseProtected to 2>><<run $theirRolls.deleteAt(0)>><</if>>
<<if def $theirRolls[1]>><<link "$theirRolls[1]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $theirRolls[1]>><<set $whoseProtected to 2>><<run $theirRolls.deleteAt(1)>><</if>>
<<if def $theirRolls[2]>><<link "$theirRolls[2]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $theirRolls[2]>><<set $whoseProtected to 2>><<run $theirRolls.deleteAt(2)>><</if>>
<<if def $theirRolls[3]>><<link "$theirRolls[3]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $theirRolls[3]>><<set $whoseProtected to 2>><<run $theirRolls.deleteAt(3)>><</if>>
<<if def $theirRolls[4]>><<link "$theirRolls[4]" "下式遊 GAME OF FELLING...">><</link>><<set $protected to $theirRolls[4]>><<set $whoseProtected to 2>><<run $theirRolls.deleteAt(4)>><</if>>
/* Update your successes */ <<set $yourSuccesses to getSuccesses($yourRolls, $yourWay)>>
/* Update your turn */ <<set $yourTurn to 1>>
/* Update turns left */ <<set $turnsLeft to $turnsLeft - 1>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<<type 30ms>>哪裡? Where?<</type>>